The Adventure Begins


“The Adventure Begins“ is an oil on canvas (18”H x 14”W x 1.5”D), painted “plein air”, with the sun rising during the cold morning, reflected in the pond between the trees.

A feeling of hope, a new beginning, a nostalgic twist. Like every day, the adventure begins.

Constructed with a palette of complementary paints, using palette knife. The work continues the plein air series started with “Ark Rock of Mackinac Island”.

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“The Adventure Begins“ is an oil on canvas (18”H x 14”W x 1.5”D), painted “plein air”, with the sun rising during the cold morning, reflected in the pond between the trees.

A feeling of hope, a new beginning, a nostalgic twist. Like every day, the adventure begins.

Constructed with a palette of complementary paints, using palette knife. The work continues the plein air series started with “Ark Rock of Mackinac Island”.

“The Adventure Begins“ is an oil on canvas (18”H x 14”W x 1.5”D), painted “plein air”, with the sun rising during the cold morning, reflected in the pond between the trees.

A feeling of hope, a new beginning, a nostalgic twist. Like every day, the adventure begins.

Constructed with a palette of complementary paints, using palette knife. The work continues the plein air series started with “Ark Rock of Mackinac Island”.

18¨H x 14”W x 1.5”D